
Having Babies Make Your Hair Curl?

When I was little, I always wanted curly hair. I totally blame the 80's perm craze. I've always had the thickest hair on the planet...so attempts to curl or perm it were usually disastrous. It would either come out too curly or not curly enough. I actually remember PRAYING to God, asking to have curly hair. Seriously!
As I got older, the whole curly hair thing wasn't as important...the straightening iron became cool and I was proud of the fact that I could easily straighten my (already straight) hair. I still wished for curly hair sometimes though...I had a friend in college with gorgeous curly hair...all she had to do was step out of the shower and throw some product in her hair and she looked like she had just stepped out of the salon! Not fair, God.
After I had Lorelai, I began to have trouble with my hair. It started in the back of my head and started to spread. I couldnt get it to lay flat and it was getting more pouffy by the day.
My hair is now curly! I kid you not!
Something about being pregnant totally changed my hair. I can now step out of the shower, throw some product in, and it's wavy.
It's weird how things work out sometimes!

Master Carver

For years before I met him, Tim worked in construction. I love having a husband that is so handy...and I love to see how his handy-ness spills into everything he tackles.
When we were first dating, we carved a pumpkin together. This wasn't just your run of the mill pumpkin carving...Tim thought it would be best if we used HIS JIGSAW! Boy was the face on that pumpkin perfect!
We also built a gingerbread house when we were dating. I kid you not, he couldn't build that gingerbread house without a tape measure. I have a picture somewhere of us building that house. For all I know, he probably used a level, too.
This week, we carved our pumpkin. Tim searched the internet for ideas and we settled on a pirate theme. He must have spent OVER AND HOUR carving that gourd! The results were great, though. We can't wait to light it up tonight!

A Few Cool Points For Canada

Guess what movie was on PRIME TIME TV when I was in Canada the other night?
X Files Fight the Future!


Costume Consensus

So...I finally decided what to dress us as for a Halloween party I am attending with Tim.
When I was little, I was always allowed to participate in Halloween activities...the only thing that was frowned upon in my family was devil or witch costumes.
We know exactly what happens when something is off-limits for a child: child can't wait to partake in forbidden thing once they are an adult (or earlier, once they know they can hide the forbidden partaking).
I got a fab deal on the devil kit at Jo-Ann's...Im cutting up my black graduation gown to make a spooky dress. I even got the scary makeup!
Greatly looking forward to indulging my spooky side.


Photo Shoot (Me)

I took these photos of Lorelai a few weeks ago. All I can say is now that she is walking, photography is not so easy. These photos aren't exactly the best I've ever done, and they required me to get very sweaty and Lorelai to start crying.
I still love her bunches.

Who Wants To Be My Halloween Hero?

Ok....I need ideas for a halloween costume. I am in the process of sewing Lorelai's costume (somewhat annoyed with myself for this...do I always have to be "martha" with this stuff?), so I'd rather not have to do much work...also don't really want to spend too much money either...I've already begun Christmas shopping!
Extra points if you have a costume in your closet I can borrow. *hint, hint*


Yates Cider Mill

Nina's 6

Six reason why Lorelai is like her daddy...

1. Lorelai doesn't look like mommy...so...what other option is there, really?
2. Lorelai often declares, "Huh?" after mommy is done speaking.
3. They both get excited when it's time to go to sleep.
4. They both take naps!
5. They both have those Irish smiling eyes.
6. Mommy spends most of her waking hours thinking of them both :)
*Bonus #7...I wish I could have a clone of each of them!


Another Sailing Adventure

Last Saturday, Tim and I decided to take the sailboat over to metro beach and sail Lake St. Clair again. If you remember, the 1st time we sailed there, there was so much wind we were kinda scared. This time was the exact opposite...there was hardly any wind. It made for a bit of a boring ride, but we still felt adventurous.
This was our 1st ride on the boat in cold weather. I wore long underwear, jeans, a t-shirt, a northface fleece, a hooded sweatshirt, gloves, and a hat. Good thing...because when we got to the boat, there was ice on it!
Tim steered us out of the canal into the lake. We were able to sail for awhile at first, but the wind died out soon after. We turned on the radio and listened to the Michigan State game and ate large amounts of cashews, pretzels, and hummus. I took over at the helm for awhile, too. At one point, i took my blanket up on the bow and laid down. SO relaxing!
When it was time for us to head back in, Tim went to start the engine...it started right up and then stalled. Oh boy. It stalled in gear and was stuck in gear. The auto start button was not responding AT ALL. Not good (but no sailing trip is complete without a touch of potential disaster). Our last resort was to try starting the engine with the pull-cord. Tim yanked the cord and the handle fell off in his hand. This obviously resulted in some choice words...and I was wishing I would have worn the orange t-shirt instead of the gray...because in about 5 minutes I was picturing having to stand up on the bow to signal for help...and having an orange shirt to swing around would really make me more visible.
Somehow we got the darn thing started and motored back to the canal. We took a little tour around the marina. All the boats at the marina were decorated for Halloween and kids were trick-or-treating. We will have to remember that for next year!
ALSO! For the second time, I, BECCA, drove the boat up to the dock FLAWLESSLY! Did I mention that the 1st time I brought the boat into the dock, that a perfect stranger stopped me and said, "Wow, you looked like a professional bringing that boat in." I am NOT making that up either.
My goal was to be able to man the boat all by myself by the end of the summer. I'll say that I am pretty darn close. Tim tested me on all the main points, and he gave me a pretty high grade. We are hoping to take the boat out this weekend, and sadly, it may be the last time this season. I'll write another blog on how I feel about that.

That's Love

The other day, I was riding in the backseat of the car next to Lorelai. I said "I love you, Lorelai!"
She replied by sticking her finger up her nose.
Love that kid!

Rub-a-Dub-Dub...What's That In The Tub?

Finally...the moment we've all been waiting...er...fearing for.
Lorelai pooed in the bathtub.
Huge kudos to Tim for donning rubber gloves and coming to our rescue.
Large kudos to myself for inhaling lots of bleach fumes.
No kudos to Lorelai for having her germy-est day yet:
1. fell on filthy mall playground floor and cut lip.
2. Upon returning to mall playground after first aid for lip, proceeded to LICK the playground floor THREE times.
3. Feces bath.

Technical Insanities

Don't even get me started on Tim's work laptop...
He has had to use our home computer for work which results in me not getting much blogging time. My brain is backing up with unwritten blogs.


Save A Pumpkin...Have A Baby

I finally discovered how to get her to smile big enough so that the snaggle tooth shows...all I had to do was say "cheese" so highly pitched that it actually gave me a headache and made me nauseous.