
A Thousand Words Thursday

Little did we know that the over-priced monkey we made that day would teach Lorelai to be a fabulous hugger and kisser. Best money we spent last year.
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Dee said...

oh how sweet!

Amy Clary said...

I never knew you took Lorelai to Build a Bear. :) That's adorable. I'm thinking of taking Alex for Easter this year.

Heather of the EO said...

Love the name Lorelai by the way. She's obviously very smart. Monkeys are really good for kisses and hugs. (:

Bree Shaw said...

build a bear is a great place. like you said overpriced, but fun!

Anonymous said...

Yeah build a bear!! But you have to buy it clothes and shoes and a house and a friend and bows and this and that......lol

The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

How much fun was that!!! I haven't hear the name Lorelai since college (almost 20 years ago!)... beautiful!

Lauren said...

I looooooooove Build a Bear! I have two bears from there...Clark Kent and Rilla Anne. Between the two of them they might have more clothing than I do!

The Mom Jen said...

Oh Build-a-Bear is my kids favorite place! My nephew has the monkey too! Fun pic!

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

Well, it sounds like it was money well spent. We haven't made a trip to Build A Bear, but maybe it's time we did. Happy ATWT!

Anonymous said...

your hair looks really good in the picture! love the color!

April said...

Lorelai is a fabulous name! Happy ATWT!

Ann Harrison said...

Yeah, Build-A-Bear can definitely take a huge chunk out of your wallet.
Sweet picture!

Jessica (aka Faeanne) said...

They got monkeys? Good thing I've never stepped foot in a BAB store! And any money spent that the sweet ones actually enjoy is well worth it.