
Wordless Wednesday

What happens when you tell Lorelai "No more Elmo".

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Brimful Curiosities said...

Makes me cry, too. OK, maybe not.

Amy Clary said...

Aw. Alex does the same thing when his shows are all over. I feel like a bad mom for saying "no" and I feel like a bad mom for his addiction. lol

HDMac said...


*Just Jen* said...

Awwwwww, how could you tell her NO MORE ELMO?? That's just cruel! LOL

Pamela said...

LOL, Shelby Lynn has Elmo live and his batteries are running down and she gets upset too, they love Elmo or as my daughter says Mo!

Katie said...

Poor girl! Why must you deprive her? LOL!

Tiffers said...

I am a firm believer in pictures of ALL moods and attitudes! This one captures it beautifully! Now turn Elmo back on for that girl! ;) Happy WW! BTW, I LOVE the name of your blog!