
Tell Me 'bout It Tuesday

**Tons of thanks to scraps 'n stuff for carrying on the TMBIT tradition while I was away! If you missed her post (it was way better than any of mine) check it out here.)
Welcome back to Tell Me 'bout It Tuesday. Each week I'll post about a mommy hood situation that's got me baffled. This is your chance to show off all your mommy smarts AND get answers to a situation that's got you confused. To participate, simply leave a comment with your smarty pants answer...and if you'd like, include a question in your comment that's got you puzzled. This will be a great time for all us mommies to help each other out and visit new blogs we haven't yet seen!

What's puzzling me this week:
What's your favorite way to clear your head, forget your troubles, and get refreshed?

Leave a comment if you've got an answer...leave your link if you need advice too!

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