
Got On My Mark, Got Set, and I Went!

Last Sunday was my very first race EVER!
If you know me, you know this is huge for me. I have always declared that my body is physically incapable of running. Walking has always been my exercise...but, this year I started up my walking sessions on the treadmill and NOTHING was happening. One day I was hamster-ing away on the treadmill and I thought to myself "I'm walking so fast, why don't I just try to run?" So, I did. It felt good...so I made a deal with myself to see if i could run a mile before I turned 27. At the time, my birthday was about 2 weeks away...well, to my surprise, 3 days later I ran a mile. I've been hooked ever since!
I won't say that it has been easy, but something has happened to this chick and I am suddenly declaring myself a runner. (My guess is that pregnancy and childbirth enabled my body to be stronger and awsomer, what do you think?)
Anyway, so, after just a few weeks of running, my cousin suggested I sign up for the Corktown St. Patty's Day Run in Detroit. Lately I just can't say "no" to a challenge, so I signed up....thinking it was a 5K. Two weeks before the race I found out it was actually 4 miles. I got a bit panicky about the almost extra mile, so I stepped up my training.
On race day, I was so nervous! I just wanted a guarantee that I wouldn't be the last one to cross the finish line! LOL! My time wasn't spectacular by any means, but it was a personal record...and NO, I was not the last one to finish! At one point in the race, I just wanted to cry, I was so happy to have challenged myself like that!
A special thanks to my coach (Tim, former high school track star) for being there for me and being my photographer! AND another thanks to my Dad for having THE BEST corned beef sandwiches ready when I got home!

My favorite coach!

Waiting to start the race.

Starting off with a smile.

Just a 1/4 of a mile to go!

My first crossing of the finish line :)

1 comment:

Amy Clary said...


Those are awesome shots. :) Your "coach" did a good job.