
A Thousand Words Thursday

This is why every other parent in the universe has special plastic plates for their kids. Why did I give her that plate to eat on? WHY???

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Martha said...

Been there, done that...I have a collection of plastic plates, bowls and cups to this day and my girl is 12. Our living area is all tile, so totally unforgiving!

Anonymous said...

Well, at least it didn't fall with a big ole serving of spaghetti on it or something!

Courtney said...

DOnt feel too bad cause those silly plastic ones break too like maybe when your husband who doesnt pay attention accidentally steps on them lol. Happy ATWT!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

ahhh bummer!!! i hate that

Andrea Frederick said...

lesson learned!

Amy Clary said...

oh, no! Alex has never broke a plate, but my hubs has. Isn't that terrible?

Colleen said...

it looks like she at least cleaned her plate..lol

annies home said...

Been on both sides of that coin the breaker and the brokee

Unknown said...

I have 3 kiddos and still do that...Just stock up on plates!! Hee Hee :)

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

Maybe I should give my daughter regular plates. I hate our dishes and maybe if she breaks enough of them my husband (and my conscience) will agree spending money and buying more. Happy ATWT

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

Why? Because we always "think" that they can handle it.. knowing inside you are just pushing fate. Mothers are inherently optimists.

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

because you thought...surely just this once...


Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Wait, is that carpet?

Angela said...

That looks like when I asked my 3 yr old to throw my plate in the sink!! Never use the word "throw" when speaking to a child unless you mean it.