
Halloween Fun Not Just For Kids...

It's safe to say that making Lorelai's Halloween costume has become a tradition for me. I will confess that for her 1st year, my mom made the costume...but since she was only 4 months old at the time, I don't really feel guilty about that!
Last year I transformed her into a '50's girl with a poodle skirt, and this year, my mom came up with the idea of an autum fairy.
Well, we all know that for about $20 you can turn yourself into anything with supplies from JoAnn's...so here is what I came up with:

The tutus before i trimmed them up...one for L and one for her beloved monkey. I just chose 4 different colors of tulle and knotted them on an elastic band.

Cheap fary wings from JoAnn's.

The wings after a heavy dose of fake foliage, glitter, and glue.

For the hair bow, I made a small rosette out of leftover tulle and surrounded it with three pieces of ribbon...and the ribbon? It was the complementarty ribbon that Aerie ties on your bag...see? Free can be beautiful!

Fall Makes the Best Pictures


I like Michael's Idea of Having Bert In Charge

I refuse to start this blog off with "Omigosh! It's been SOOO long...we've been SO busy...blah blah blah!"
I'll just cut to the chase.
Cute fall pics...


Kate Gosselin Live

Tonight I had the privilege of seeing Kate Gosselin speak. (Major thanks to LB for thinking of me and getting FREE tickets to me).
I've been a follower of Jon and Kate Plus 8 over the past 2 years. I'm not the type that tapes every episode and can identify which kid is which, but the show has kept me company on nights when Tim was out of town, and I have immense respect for Jon and Kate. The fact that they are both still alive is amazing enough...add to that the fact that all 8 of their kids still have all their appendages and are fed and clothed regularly and you've just got an amazing amount of work going on between 2 parents.
We all know that Jon and Kate's marriage has been under scrutiny lately...part of me felt badly that she was making an appearance during this time...another part of me wanted to see what was going on...well, you can see which part of me won out. As for the rumors, Kate began her talk tonight addressing them. She said that the only magazine out there with accurate info is People because they actually did an interview with them. Kate kept the talk about that light: "I laugh about it so that I don't cry," she said. I don't remember what else she said about it because instead of sitting there sympathetically listening, I was overcome with star-struck-ed-ness and was snapping photos. Yes I instantly felt guilty, so lets drop it.
I must say that Kate looked WON-DER-FUL. She was sporting a purple knit dress and black peep-toe pumps (in case you were wondering). Apparently the 5:30 am workouts are paying off. I never realized it until my husband said it today...and here is what he said: "If you get to meet her (Kate) tell her that she is HOT!"
Call me strange, but it made me love him more.
For about an hour Kate spoke about all the major events and emotions surrounding her fertility issues, the birth of the twins, the possibility of an adoption, and the pregnancy and birth of the sextuplets. Some things she said I remember exactly from the show...some things were new to me...but one thing is for sure: she was just like she is on the show. She is honest, open, and owns up to the fact that she isn't perfect. She is confident in the person she is. I know everyone isn't a fan of her personality, but tonight confirmed my belief that no one else but Kate Gosselin and her personality could function so successfully in such a unique family situation.
I thought that seeing Kate speak tonight would make my world feel smaller. Have you ever visited a famous place only to find yourself asking "Is this it? It looked so much bigger/ more glamorous on TV!"
People have their opinions about Jon and Kate. Trust me, if you bring up their names, conversation will suddenly start flowing. Save that one in your back pocket for a bad blind date. BUT, I can honestly say, after hearing Kate speak tonight, I have even more respect and admiration for her than before. My world isn't smaller, but I feel smaller. I don't know if I could have what it takes to be Kate Gosselin...to love 10 young children and travel the US encouraging other moms at the same time.
I have to add that when I walked in the door tonight after arriving home, I cried. Part of me feels so guilty for "wanting a piece" of Kate. Isn't bearing the burden of raising 8 kids enough? Who am I that I should expect her to travel hundreds of miles and take time away from her family to tell her story to me? Especially in the midst of her marital turmoil.
I was lucky enough to be able to get Kate's autograph. When Kate took my ticket to sign, I said "Thank you for taking time out to be here. I appreciate it." I can't remember exactly what she said back, something like "of course" or "you're welcome". She seemed tired. I can't imagine why the hell I and the other 300 women in the room thought it was ok to make her sit there and sign our books and tickets...shouldn't we let her go home and relax?
Getting the autograph was no picnic. The venue really should have dismissed us by rows and neatly into a line for autographs...but instead they let us out in one big mob...and then requested that the mob get in a single file line. HA! Those women got pissed, and the thoughts suddenly crossed my mind that I'd rather be in a room full of men than standing there with those autograph hungry women...and why don't we send armies full of autograph hungry women into wars instead of heavily armed men? I'm telling you, those women would be more intimidating...but, i digress.
God Bless Jon and Kate.

The line to the door 15 minutes before the doors were to open.

The lovely Kate

Eat your hear out, Tim.

My mom insisted this was THE bodyguard. I let her have her fun.

My mom gave up her chance at an autograph to take my pic with Kate. Someday the guilt will go away.

Mom and Kate

The Last Mom To Blog About Mother's Day

All of our family holidays have been full of change this year...but there is one thing that always stays the same...LORELAI! She continues to be the center of attention and always gives me a constant to look forward to. Mother's Day was no different. I love this kid.
Here is a list of my Mother's Day weekend highlights (of course i extend it into an entire weekend...who wouldn't?!?!)

friday: big burgers at red robin, watched half of Goldfinger (young Sean Connery SO HOT!), then off to bed with EAR PLUGS!!!

saturday: slept in until 8:30, tim made french toast, lazy family morning, sipped green tea and read Something Borrowed (while tim and lorelai napped), actually got BORED at one point because we relaxed so much, went to partridge creek to see State of Play, dinner at PF Chang's, finished Goldfinger, then off to bed with EAR PLUGS AGAIN!!!

Sunday: church, NAP!, b-b-q at m.i.l.'s, PRESENTS, then got sucked into studying the stock market for an hour (but that's ok, because i love my husband), then a bubble bath and book :)

I vote to skip Christmas this year and substitute it with another Mother's Day. Don't argue with me...I know where to find some big sticks.


Time To Celebrate

So, when I started to think about Mother's Day this year, I'll admit my first reaction was some guilt (what else is new?). This year I have really started to dedicate time and effort to getting into shape, trying new things, and having regular girl kid-free girl time. I adore running and my other activities now, but every mom knows that when you take on something new, you feel like you take some time away from your kids. I know for sure I feel this way...take for instance the dream I had about leaving Lorelai at home by herself so that I could go scuba diving.
The thing is, I've learned that taking time out for myself is making me a better person and a better mommy...so, I guess I shouldn't feel guilty!
Ok, I'm convinced, I do deserve to celebrate and get some presents :)
I'm thankful that I have such a happy, adventurous, Sesame Street-lovin' kiddo to be a mommy to. I love hanging out with such a care-free little person.
I am also very thankful for my husband who works SO hard so that I can stay at home with Lorelai and not miss a moment.


Just Because It Has Been Awhile...

These two pictures were taken about two years apart. Look who has the round belly now! HA! Of course...flat and jiggly is no picnic either...
Wait, can I just say that I just read an article that stated that people who have some wine everyday have the flattest stomachs...even compared to people who don't drink at all. Who says all the news these days is bad?


In Love With Lake St. Clair

Last Saturday was the 2nd time we took the boat out this year. The conditions really could not have been more perfect! Tim and I sailed around off the coast of metro beach for about 10 miles. Heavenly! The wind was cool, but the strong sun kept us warm.
For Tim's birthday last year I bought him a gadget that holds the tiller in place, so basically you set your course and are free to relax. It worked great! We were able to both lay back on the benches and chill.
There just isn't anything better than being out in the middle of the lake with some chardonnay and nothing to do but listen to the waves. ahhhh! I will miss the boat this weekend!

The best 1st mates always fuel up with a homemade breakfast cookie :)

Captain Timmy who "forgot" to put sunblock on....again!

Best seat in the house.

The view you get if you take a nap on the benches.

Lake St. Clair through one of the port holes.

This Week at Tot School

Some of the fun things we did this week:

Lorelai had no interest in actually finger painting, but stacking and unstacking the jars kept her happy for 20 minutes. Score!
I'm pretty darn sure she knows her colors, yet she often says them wrong anyway. Is she like partially color blind or something?
Yes, I do realize how stupid I just sounded there.

ok, I came up with this dandy idea all by myself. I called it "Bug Hunt". I want to focus on bugs and nature this spring (and I also scored some cheap bug stuff at the Target dollar spot) so this was a great way to start it off. I went online and found some cute bug pics, cut them out, pasted them on paper, and laminated them. I put them all around Lorelai's room and then gave her a bucket to collect all her findings. She really liked this! Of course the possibilities were endless with the activity. She enjoyed counting each of the bug "tokens". We talked about what each bug was, how they crawl, what color they are, what noise they make...etc. I also had some bugs in there multiple times, so matching comes into play, too. I may also do this again with flowers.

My hope is also that Lorelai won't have a fear of bugs like someone else I know....


Recent Tot School Fun

So, we have been tot schooling here and there, I just haven't had the time to blog about it. Lorelai is terrible 2-ing, so it makes having an actual school schedule a waste...I just pull out an activity when she seems interested. Sometimes it lasts a half hour and sometimes I just walk away wishing I could move to Jamaica.
At least I am honest.

She finally likes her string bead sets!

Totally copied this idea from another mom...get a container with a small opening and throw some clothes pins (or popsicle sticks painted different colors, etc.) in it. This amuses Lorelai greatly! She loves putting everything in the container then shaking it out.

She loves to paint!

Green play dough for St. Patty's. The web is full of make-it-yourself play dough recipies...don't be lazy! Try it! I did and I don't think I'll ever pay for the brand name stuff again!

We've been working on shapes and colors for weeks now. Play dough is a great way to teach them both. If you watch PBS in the morning, perhaps you have heard that silly Steve singing the shape song: "...line, line, circle, circle...". Well I started singing it with Lorelai and whipping out the shapes at the right time and she LOVES it. Lorelai basically likes anything set to music, so I have been singing TONS!



Our Easer weekend included:
2 colds
missing someone special
irritations about job changes
a 2-year molar
But, when you mix that all with a heavy dose of easter candy and some relaxation, it all turns out into some fun.
We also took the boat out for the 1st time...forgot my camera though! Too bad, because our trip proved that we really know what we are doing now...we never had to get out the boat manual and I don't think we used ANY 4-letter words. Amazing!