
Tell Me 'bout It Tuesday

Announcing a new weekly post for puzzled mommies: Tell Me 'bout It Tuesday. Each week I'll post about a mommy hood situation that's got me baffled. This is your chance to show off all your mommy smarts AND get answers to a situation that's got you confused. To participate, simply leave a comment with your smarty pants answer...and if you'd like, include a question in your comment that's got you puzzled. This will be a great time for all us mommies to help each other out and visit new blogs we haven't yet seen! Make sure we can link to your blog from your comment (I'm still working on the Mr. Linky thing!)

What's puzzling me this week:
How the heck do your teach your kiddo to drink out of a straw?


Jamie said...

I have no idea, but I'd love to know the answer! I'm subscribing to the comments for this one! :)

appleandi said...

I just gave Little Bo Peep cups with staws til she got it. She got thirsty and figured it out! This is what I used for both girls: http://www.amazon.com/Luv-N-Care-Nuby-Sipper/dp/B000LK6KOO/ref=pd_bxgy_ba_img_b

my stumper: http://my-scraps-of-life.blogspot.com/2009/02/tell-me-bout-it-tuesday.html

Laura Marchant said...

They usually learn how to blow bubbles first :-)

Pamela said...

I am trying the same thing at our house!! I thought she had the hang of it because she did it in a restaurant with a straw and a grown up cup, but when I got her a sippy cup with straw she just got frustrated!