
I Think I Busted the Cool--o-meter

On Sunday, I had the opportunity to do something I've been dreaming to do for awhile now- learn how to fire a gun.
Since I had Lorelai, I've come to realize that the time to live is NOW...No more saying "I've always wanted to..." instead, I've been doing my best to accomplish the things that I've always wanted to do.
So, on Sunday, we made a trip out to the firing range at Great Lakes Crossing (bet you didn't know they have one of those at the mall!) for this momentous event. We had some time to wait before it was our turn, so we walked around Bass Pro Shop. I spent most of the time wringing my hands together hoping that I wouldn't chicken out. Once it was time for our turn, I elected to go first. I was so geeked up for this, but upon entering the room where you shoot, I had some reservations. First of all, I'm not used to being around gunfire (go figure!) so every time the other people in the room fired their guns, I jumped about a mile. "How the heck will I hold the gun steady like this?" I wondered. I acclimated my ears while my friend demonstrated the gun I'd start out with- a 9 mm.
Once it was my turn to go, I got myself all set up with the proper grip and stance...but I was so worried that the kick back would cause me to drop the gun! I finally just psyched myself up and fired...and the kick back wasn't anywhere near what I thought it would be.
After I went through my first full magazine (see, I learned some terms, too) my friend asked me what I thought. My eyes went wide. "Yeah, I like this!"
Next, I moved on to a .45. Bigger gun and a little more kick back, but nothing I couldn't handle.
Next was Tim's turn. I looked on while he put me to shame. Does the guy have to be an expert at everything??? Seriously, he hit the bulls eye five times. Well, good for him ;)
I didn't hit the bulls eye at all, but I got closer than I thought I would. That was a big enough accomplishment for me!
I have to say that I am hooked! I will admit that I am still quite uneasy about the power that a weapon holds, but, with much respect, caution, and safety, I think that this could be a fun hobby.
I also have to indulge the kid in me and admit that it was exciting to get a taste of being Agent Scully.


Anonymous said...

that is so fun! I've always wanted to go to the firing range and give it a shot too! Well done, becca!

natalievandenbossche said...

A couple years ago Jeff decided to get a hand gun to keep in our house. I told him I didn't feel comfortable having a gun in my bedroom if I didn't know how to use it! So he took me shooting and I loved it! A couple months later, I bought my own handgun :)

appleandi said...

so your comment today totally sent you in the other direction on the cool-o-meter!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean, after I had my kids i suddenly feel like I want to do everything instead of saying i wish i did. I'm trying to live by the words, "Life begins outside your comfort zone"